
The Grinning Studio podcast:
Offline until I can get free hosting space for iTunes or I win the lottery and no longer care that I am paying money for it. If you want a copy of any of the interviews, please send me a message through the contact grin link above.

Grinning Studio Ep. 7: Fables For Japan - Jason Minor

Fables For Japan book cover
This podcast features the producer/editor/publisher of the "Fables For Japan" E-book series, Jason Minor. Jason is an comic and video game artist.  He has worked on comics such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Brain Banx. You can see more of his samples at his art index site. His most recent works can be found in the hot Star Wars: The Old Republic video game.

His "Fables For Japan" project is a charity gig he has taken on to support the charities helping the nuclear refugees from Fukushima in Japan.  His E-book has earned over $1200.00 for International Medical Corps. A charity group helping with relocating the Fukushima evacuees and treating the psychological needs of the survivors (along with other basic medical care.)

The three books are available at Fables4japan.com. Just purchase and you will get a download link.
Also go there to learn more about the project.

The Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/Fables4Japan
You can listen to the podcast on iTunes, just search for Grinning Studios and it is Episode 7.
You can also listen to the podcast on the podcast page.

I thank you for listening and if you like the show, please subscribe on iTunes, give us 5-stars, and a review.  Stay Creative, It's Good For You.

Grinning Studios

Stay Creative, It's Good For You.

Grinning Studio Ep. 6: Japan Blog List - David Moore, Interview.

Jonathan Allen
On this episode, Grin interviews, Jonathan Allen, a veteran blogger and webmaster of the Japan Blog List. Jon is an IT man with a creative pension for blogging. His first Blogger blog was "I'm A Seoul Man in Tokyo," but now he spends his creative free time blogging and tweeting for The Japan Blog List. He has worked in IT for companies such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and lived in London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Seoul South Korea and now Japan. He is an interesting and creative person, and I really enjoyed talking to him about his creative projects and life in Japan.

Stay Creative, It's Good For You.

Grinning Studio Ep. 5: Tokyo Kids & Radiation - David Moore, Interview.

This is the March 11th Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster Anniversary Podcast.

TKandRsmallicon.jpgOn this episode, Grin interviews, David Moore, a concerned husband and father of two living in Tokyo. He built a home radiation lab and has been testing for radiation, and radio nuclides in samples from all over Japan.  He has tested everything from food to dirt and is accurate down to 6.5 Bq. His website is http://sites.google.com/site/tokyokidsradiation/ where he posts all of his data, charity work, clean-ups, and information. He also has a community Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tokyo-Kids-Radiation/227762067240468.
In this episode David discusses what he was doing when the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns occurred, how he started his home lab, and his vision to help the people of Japan deal with the Nuclear Fallout.
This episode is 2 hours of first hand information on the front-lines of Japan's disaster crisis.


Grinning Studio Ep. 3 and 4: Linh Vien Thai Adventure part 1 and 2.

Feb. 5th, 2012 by grinningstudios

Linh Vien ThaiLinh Vien Thai is an Amerasian, born Dalat, S, Vietnam. He lived in Vietnam during the war and escaped to the U.S. Now he's an American living in Tokyo. He enjoys Adventure Traveling, good friends, and doing what's right. Linh is a Kung Fu master, philanthropist, actor, writer, computer programmer, documentary maker, photographer and the list goes on.  His art and entertainment is one of a kind and adored by all his friends and fans, like me.  We will be talking about how he became such an prolific artist and entertainer, where he gets his inspiration from, and what he has been doing lately. Linh Vien Thai has a blog "The Life of Me."

Images taken by Linh Vien Thai during his recent visit to Africa.

Quiet streen in Stonetown Zanzibar
Linh Vien Thai

Quiet street in Stonetown Zanzibar. Late afternoon clears the streets; the locals head to prayer as Islamic messages play from minarets. Far from the main avenues a more visceral experience of life here can be found.
zanzibar boat
Linh Vien Thai

Going nowhere fast. This shot embodies the midday pace in Zanzibar. The sun here can be brutal and the best place is a breezy spot in the shade.
Kids playing in zanzibar
Linh Vien Thai

Looking that this photo still puts the same smile inside of me as when I shot it. These kids were laughing up a storm. They were collecting sea water; for who knows what and or whatever the reason I truly don't know. They would run into the sea and fill up the jug, only to run up to the beach to fill another container.
Zanzibar women
Linh Vien Thai

If any of the tens of thousands of photos that I've ever taken could come close to National Geographic level. This one I think may be it. There's just something about this shot that's captivating and storytelling. Be it the flowing colors in contrast to the blend of black in the hot sun. Or just the movement and progression working with and against the wind. There's a presence to this shot I just can't explain.
— at Northern Part of Zanzibar Island, Tanzania.
Elephant at Kruger national park south africa
 at Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Masai men performing a traditional dance
Linh Vien Thai

Masai men performing a traditional dance. They chant and voice challenges to each other then demonstrate incredible vertical leap abilities. Each of these guys jumped amazingly high with a really decent hang time.

Control Freaks
Control Freaks is a duo DJ
group featuring the spinning talents of Tha Boogie Bandit and DJ Foxx Boogie.  DJ Foxx Boogie is based in Philadelphia while Tha Boogie Bandit is based in Tokyo Japan. Together, they spin at packed events on both sides of the earth. These guys are professional in their art, and straight, down to earth, and friendly people when they aren't spinning. In this interview, we will hear from both DJ's on their journey to becoming a crowd favorite in the clubs, how they continually pump out great mixes and distribute them free, and what their plans for the future will bring for their fans. They have a podcast on iTunes keyword, Control Freaks, a blog and Facebook Page.

Images taken at The Block in Kiryu Gunma, Japan by Rumiko Harsha-Isobe. 
Langston and Ronny Control Freaks
Left:Langston - Right:Ronny
Tha Boogie Bandit and the crowd
Tha Boogie Bandit working the crowd.

Masatoshi CEO of Fun
Masatoshi: CEO of Fun!

Takeshi painting a Control Freaks mural
Takeshi (right) and his Control Freaks Special Mural, done during the event.

Takeshi 0 to funny in three seconds
Takeshi going from 0 to funny in 3 seconds.

grin Tha Boogie Bandit and Foxx Boogie
Left to right: Grin - Tha Boogie Bandit - Foxx Boogie.

Tha Boogie Bandit and Foxx Boogie B-Boy vids. "Breakdancing." 

Grinning Studio Ep. 1 Professor Usagi

Dec 20th, 2011 by grinningstudios

Professor Usagi
Professor Usagi is a professor at Digital Hollywood University in Akihabara Tokyo, Japan. where she teaches English and Chinese. She is also a writer and blogger.  She has two blogs: Busy Being Bored in Tokyo and Rock and Roll, Tokyo.
Her blogs illustrate her endless search for love and a good life in Tokyo.  Busy Being Bored in Tokyo is like Sex in the City of Tokyo.  Professor Usagi's commentary is candid, entertaining, and insightful. She is currently working on turning her first blog into a book.